CONTROL (Single Version)

β„—Β©2022 Red Radar


[Verse 1]

You’ve been sneaking around

Making up stories wherever you go

This is not your playground

We’re not a part of your puppet show


No, you can’t control us

It takes out the fun

No, you can’t control us

It’s not like you have won

[Verse 2]

You’ve been keeping secrets

It’s not a part of our agreement

We all got our demons

But I know you can see them


No, you can’t control us

It takes out the fun

No, you can’t control us

It’s not like you won

[Verse 3]

You rope us into this

Looking for forgiveness

Can’t you see It’s not meant to be

So let’s agree to disagree


Can’t you see the scars

that you leave behind

Can’t you see the scars

that you leave behind

Can’t you see the scars

that you leave behind

Can’t you see the scars

that you leave behind


No, you can’t control us

It takes out the fun

No, you can’t control us

It’s not like you won

No, you can’t control us

It takes out the fun

No, you can’t control us

It’s not like you won


It’s not like you won

It’s not like you won

It’s not like you won

It looks like we’re done

Song Information

Title: Control

Band: Red Radar

Release Date: February 18, 2022

Recording Date: January 2022

Written: October-November 2021

Genre: Alternative Rock

BPM: 80


Lyrics: Drew Viola

Drums: Brandon Genzer

Guitar: Drew Viola, Brandon Genzer

Bass: Brandon Genzer

Keys/Piano: Drew Viola

Vocals: Drew Viola

Mixed & Produced: Red Radar

Album Artwork: Drew Viola